Apply to CVCC

Applications have closed for the 2024-25 School year.
Below is the 2025-26 School Year Application Timeline
- Round 1 - - Round 2 - - Round 3 -
Nov 18 - Dec 18, 2024 Jan 17 - Mar 17, 2025 April 28 - Aug 15, 2025



Our Program of Studies highlights our current programs. Click on the blue button to read our Program of Studies.


Visit our Program Pages for specific details about each program before applying including videos and instructor information.


Reach CVCC at (802) 476 - 6237 for more information. Ask for Abbey Allen x1156. Email Abbey: [email protected]

Students interested in attending CVCC should tour the center prior to submitting an application. Their tour should be coordinated with the sending school counselors and the CTE counseling coordinator.
Parents, guardians, and students are encouraged to attend Open House in November.
Students will note in their application when they toured CVCC.
Sending School Tour Annual Open House
8th Grade Tour Trades Fair from Previous Year
Students and their family, guardian, or school counselor can complete an ONLINE APPLICATION to CVCC (which includes 1st & 2nd choice programs).  (Disclaimer:  applicants must be 16 years old or 10th grade by the time of enrollment to attend any of our programs, with the exception of Exploratory Tech). Sending school counselors will complete the application by including the following:
  • Transcript
  • Attendance
  • Discipline records
(Program instructors use applications and shadow day to identify “qualified” applicants who can be invited to Program Preview Day)
Shadow the program(s) for which you applied.
(Program instructors use applications and shadow day to identify “qualified” applicants who can be invited to Program Preview Day)
Qualified applicants are invited to attend CTE program preview day at CVCC.

This can include individual interviews, pre-assessments, skills-based hands-on activities, etc.
First Round admissions decisions will be made and communicated by CVCC (Mid March).

Admissions Process Document thumbnailMORE INFORMATION

Please read our Admissions Process document for more information about:

  • Second round acceptance
  • Third round acceptance
  • Waitlist
  • Appeals
  • Student support services
Questions about applying? Ask Abbey or Hannah: