
At CVCC, students have two Guidance Counselors: one at their home school and one at the Career Center.
The CVCC Student Support Staff can help with social, academic and emotional issues as well as career and post-secondary planning. Leadership development, assistance with dual enrollment, college planning, and after high school planning are all important parts of the role that Student Support Staff play.
Support for students in programs non-traditional to their gender, workshops for those newly interested in attending college and leadership training are just a few ways in which the School Counseling Coordinator can make your experience at CVCC a well-rounded success.

Student Forms

Students can use this page to find quick links to important forms and documents that can be submitted to benefit their experience at the Central Vermont Career Center.

Student Handbook

Enrolled students have the responsibility to know the rules, policies, and rights that our Career Center adheres to.
Download the Student Handbook by clicking the image to the left to learn your rights and responsibilities as a CVCC Student.
Infinite Campus Logo Infinite Campus is CVCC's Student Information System. You can use it to check your grades, review attendance, and communicate with your instructors. Students, parents, and teachers all have unique login sites.

Parent and Guardian Access 

Follow the link above. Login with the username and password you chose upon account setup. Self-service username reminder and password reset available.
(For parents wishing to sign up for an Infinite Campus Portal Account to monitor student activity, please contact our Infinite Campus Registrar, Chip, at [email protected] or at (802) 476-4811 x 1252. Provide your name, email, and your student's name, and after verifying your identity, we will respond to verify and send information to set up your account.)

Student Access

Your account is already setup. Follow the link above and login via your CVCC Google Account.

Teacher and Staff Access

Follow the link above and login via your CVCC Google Account.
Canvas LMS Logo

Canvas LMS Observer (Parent) Account Info

Please read this Document for instructions on setting up an account in our Learning Management System (assignments, quizzes, grades, etc). Your student will provide you an access code and with that code you will create your account and link to your student. Observer (NOT STUDENT) login 🔗.